Smylers Gold Project

Smylers Gold Project
- Advanced exploration project within HMSZ located southeast of Macraes Gold Mine with significant amount spent on exploration and drilling by Hardie Pacific and KO Gold over the past 5 years
- Smylers EP advanced with reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling, soil and geophysical surveys since 2018
- KO Gold completed RC scout drilling program within Smylers EP in late 2021 (26 holes – 2,735 m), and additional soil sampling and prospecting completed east of the RC drilling program (Smylers East)
- RC and diamond drilling completed on the Smylers Gold Project since 2018 has intercepted significant gold mineralization from surface to over 150 m depth within several targets. Significant drilling assay results include:
- 1 m at 10.1 g/t Au (Home Reef South)
- 3 m at 2.5 g/t Au (Pipeline South)
- 9 m at 1 g/t Au and (Kensington)
- 3 m at 2.4 g/t Au (Kensington)
- 5 m at 3.4 g/t Au including 1 m at 8.3 g/t Au (Williams)
- 2 m at 4.7 g/t Au (Williams)
- 7 m at 1 g/t Au (Hoopers)
- These gold grades are consistent with the average grades mined at the adjacent Macraes Mine. Drilling to date has resulted in over 4 km confirmed strike length of HMSZ within the Project area and it remains open to southeast for at least 4 km into the Smylers East prospect, which has yet to be drilled
RC Drilling Results
- Recent RC and diamond drilling programs targeted potential high-grade ore shoots along southeast extension of HMSZ
- Recent RC drilling program focused on Pipeline South, Kensington, Williams, Home Reef South and Smylers East targets (see assay results on map)
- Every drill hole has encountered gold mineralization including up to 9 m at 1 g/t within Kensington target
- Recent assay results indicate strong potential for the discovery of an ore shoot in north Kensington – Williams area
- Now over 4 km confirmed strike length of HMSZ in Smylers Gold Project area and open to southeast for at least 4 km
- Plans to drill at least 9 RC and diamond drill holes in 2024 in the central part of the Smylers Gold Project to confirm presence of an ore shoot
Recent Soil Sampling Results Smylers East
- New mapping and soil geochemistry survey in Smylers East has added additional 2 km of possible strike to the HMSZ since last drilling position of recent RC drilling program
- Total of 490 soil samples and 12 rock chip samples collected along 12 soil sampling lines in 2022 (see map)
- Arsenic anomalies up to 200 ppm encountered along strike consistent with new orientation of HMSZ in Smylers East (red line in figure)
- Hints of an extension to the HMSZ that needs to be followed up by additional RC and diamond drilling
KO Gold Projects:

Smylers Gold



Raggedy Range & Garibaldi

Rough Ridge
