
Stock Quote
Investment Opportunity

New Zealand
Stable jurisdiction with fair mineral exploration and mine permitting framework
Newly-elected government is pro-mining and resources focused with aggressive plan to speed up permitting process and build new mines

Low-investment risk
Gateway to Australian and Asian markets, and Otago Gold District located in brownfield region with consistent large scale gold mining operations since 1990 and new gold mines on the horizon

Pro-mining and Local Community Support
Local communities, indigenous Māori groups, and government officials are fully supportive of our projects due to the long history of mining in the Otago Gold District and the use of highly-trained and experienced local workforce

Strategically positioned and potential exit strategy
Located adjacent to OceanaGold’s Macraes Mine Complex which will continue to expand including potentially into Smylers Gold Project area

Smylers Gold Project
One of the most advanced gold exploration projects in Otago Gold District with significant amount spent on exploration and drilling over past 8 years by Hardie Pacific and KO Gold

Discovery potential
KO Gold holds nearly 1,000 km2 of exploration ground in the Otago Gold District with potential for significant gold discoveries. Smylers Gold Project has the potential to host the next major gold deposit in Otago due to our significant investment in drilling over the next 12-18 months